Senior Care Resources

Five Ways Home Care Assistance Can Help Your Senior Eat Better

Home care assistance provides seniors with nutritional support as they age in place.
Home care assistance provides seniors with nutritional support as they age in place.

Good nutrition is essential for feeling and living better, especially for seniors. If your elderly loved one lives alone, they might face challenges in making healthy food choices or maintaining their overall health. Home care assistance can be a valuable resource, helping seniors improve their eating habits and follow a diet that supports their well-being.

Whether they’re looking to feel better or manage a health condition with doctor-recommended dietary changes, home care assistance providers can make the process easier and more effective.


Health Benefits of Healthy Eating

Eating well offers numerous health benefits, and the great thing about these benefits is that they often build on each other, amplifying the overall impact. With the support of a home care assistance agency, your elderly loved one can make meaningful improvements to their diet, leading to health benefits such as:

  • Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: A poor diet can lead to other poor health factors that can increase the risk of certain diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and dementia.
  • Increase Energy: Some foods sap energy, while others provide the proper nutrients to increase energy levels. Understanding food ingredients is an important part of eating healthy.
  • Better Sleep: What a person eats also can affect how well he sleeps. Knowing what to avoid can help improve sleep habits.
  • Improved Immune System: Eating foods packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants boosts the immune system.


Five Steps for Better Food Choices

If your senior agrees to make better food choices in the future to improve his health and gets good advice from his doctor on what path to travel for better health, then the next step is helping him get on the path to healthier eating and, hopefully, healthier living.

A home care assistance team can step in and help your loved one follow his doctor’s guidelines and make better food choices by assisting in these five areas that he might struggle with if he tries to do it all on his own.

#1 Understanding Food Labels

Learning to read food labels is almost like learning a new language. A home care assistance provider can help your loved one understand serving sizes, nutrition, and ingredients when buying prepackaged foods.

#2 Making the Right Choices at the Store

It’s not only about buying the right packaged foods but also about buying what’s right for him. A home care assistance provider will take into consideration what the doctor has ordered for your loved one’s optimal diet when shopping with him.

#3 Meal Prepping

Nothing spoils healthy eating goals like being famished and having nothing healthy in sight to eat. That’s where meal prepping can be lifesaving. A home care assistance provider can help your loved one prepare meals that he can eat all week that will be nutritious and delicious.

#4 Healthy Snacking

Healthy eating can go off the rails if your loved one is doubling down on sugary snacks between meals. His home care assistance provider can help him purchase snacks he doesn’t have to feel guilty about.

#5 Staying Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water and other non-caffeinated drinks can help his body run optimally, so don’t let him forget this important part of his diet overhaul.


When you know your loved one has the support he needs from a home care assistance team to take important steps toward better health, you can rest easier.




If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Assistance in Ladue, MO, please contact the caring staff at Pear Tree Home Care today! (314) 942-9411

Pear Tree Home Care Provides Senior Home Care Services in St. Louis, Ladue, Chesterfield, Town and Country, Clayton, Des Peres, St. Charles, Wildwood, Brentwood, Maryland Heights, Lake St. Louis, O’Fallon, Kirkwood, Webster Groves, Arnold, Oakville, Mehlville, Creve Coeur, St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Franklin County, Warren County, Jefferson County, and surrounding areas.

Pear Tree Home Care
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